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USA, KUPANG TIMES - The Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States of America, has issued a warning to residents regarding the use of public facilities or "charging stations."
The FBI said the hackers had managed to hijack the public facility and were able to infect it with a malware virus.
It refers to software that can give hackers access to people's phones, tablets/or computers.
"Avoid using free charging stations at airports, hotels/or shopping centers,"
"Hackers have found a way to use public USB ports to inject malware viruses and monitoring software onto devices,"
"Bring your own charger and USB cable and use a power outlet instead,"|reported by the official website of the FBI, Tuesday, (11/04/23)
The FBI offers similar guidelines, on its website, for avoiding these public charging facilities.
The Federal Communications Commission, too, has warned about "juice jacking," since 2021.
At the time the Federal Communications Commission, warned that; "consumer devices with USB cables can be hacked via software which can then suck up usernames and passwords,"
"The commission told consumers to avoid the public facility,"
Photo: Pixabay, ilustration charger cell phone|Narration: Cyber Crime, Law, Technology,
|Text: W.J.B
| Literacy Resources: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Federal Communications Commission (FCC),